- IR Ring: Non-Invasive Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor
- Low Cost Laryngoscope
- Design & Fabrication of Smart Acupressure Therapeutic Device For control of Insulin in Type-2 Diabetic Patients
- Design of Wearable Kneecap to Diagnose Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear Using IOT
- Designing of Micropatch for Targeted drug delivery using additive manufacturing
- Exoskeleton knee extension assist suspension brace for reducing joint pain in elderly aged population
- Wearable Device for Early Detection of Muscle Cramp with Heating Pad
- Modernized automatic UV Sterilizer for sterilizing electronic device and Surgical instruments in healthcare industries using IOT
- Prediction of Onset of Muscle Fatigue During Various Biomechanical Activities Using SEMG and MMG
- Pressurized Tissue Waste Disposal
- Automatic intensity controller in shortwave diathermy
- Cognitive Training for Special Needs using Virtual Reality
- Development of Cyborg cot for Decubitus Ulcer screening and management
- Non Invasive Glucose and Health Monitoring Kit
- Personal Abetment for Parkinson's and Geriatric Population
- Rehabilitation Tool for Gatroparesis by the Analysis of Interstitial cells of Cajal
- Robotic System For Medication Delivery In Hospitals
- Screening of Foot Ulcer Diabetic Neuropathy
- Standing Wheelchair with Voice Recognition System
- Wireless Biosignal Acquisition Electrode Module for EMG