
C-DAC IoT Research Laboratory of Dr. N.G.P Institute of Technology is established in June 2019 with the main objective of providing a platform for the students, faculties and research scholars to explore different aspects of IoT and develop different applications. To improve the teaching learning process, CDAC-IoT Research Lab brings new opportunities and possibilities of usage of Embedded systems, Remote sensor systems and Control systems in the implementation of IoT.


  • The main objective of the IoT Research Lab establishment is to create a huge scope for Research & Development in building automation, security monitoring, military and medical applications using Internet of Things.
  • To create innovative applications in IoT domain inculcating the capability and to energize research mindset.
  • To build industry capable talent, start-up community and entrepreneurial ecosystem among the student community for IoT.
  • To provide an ecosystem for innovation to thrive and embrace entrepreneurship.


  • Shall create awareness and working experience with IoT devices like Wi-Fi Mote, BLE mote, Ubi-sense and WINGZ to solve the burning real time applications.
  • Platform for offering special course/consulting projects.
  • It provides access to Industry experts/ courses / showcase of talents of Students, staff and research scholars.

Equipment Details

S.no Name of the Equipment / Kit Quantity
1 Ubi Mote 10
2 Wi-Fi Mote 10
3 BLE Mote 10
4 Ubi Sense 10
5 Wingz Multiprotocol Gateway 1
6 Debuggers 1
7 Installation & Other -


  • Training for faculty members on NGPiTech – CDAC IoT Research lab kit
  • Two Days Skill Development Hands on Training NGPiTech – CDAC IoT Research lab kit for ECE Students
  • Two Days Skill Development Hands on Training Programme on
  • NGPiTech – CDAC IoT Research lab kit for ECE, EEE CSE & IT Students