Research and Development

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is recognized Research Centre by Anna University since 2016. The department offers Ph.D. Programme in the Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering. The Department of ECE has 26 faculty members with 7 Recognized Research Supervisors and 33 candidates are pursuing their Ph.D. Research is carried out in various thrust areas such as Microelectronics and VLSI, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Communication Systems, Embedded Systems and IoT.


C-DAC IoT Research Laboratory of Dr. N.G.P Institute of Technology is established in June 2019 with the main objective of providing a platform for the students, faculties and research scholars to explore different aspects of IoT and develop different applications and improve the teaching learning process, CDAC-IoT Research Lab brings new opportunities and possibilities of usage of Embedded systems, Remote sensor systems and Control systems in the implementation of IoT.

Hands on Training Programme

Hands on Training Program by CDAC Engineers to Faculty & Students

June 20-21, 2019

Skill Development Course offered to ECE Dept. Students

Aug 29-30, 2019

Skill Development Course offered to EEE & IT Dept. Students

Sep 27-28, 2019


  • The main objective of the IoT Research Lab establishment is to create a huge scope for Research &Development in building automation, security monitoring, military and medical applications using Internet of Things.
  • To create innovative applications in IoT domain inculcating the capability and to energize research mindset.
  • To build industry capable talent, start-up community and entrepreneurialecosystem among the student community for IoT.
  • To provide an ecosystem for innovation to thrive and embrace entrepreneurship.


  • Shall create awareness and working experience with IoT devices like Wi-Fi Mote, BLE mote, Ubi-sense and WINGZ to solve the burning real time applications.
  • Platform for offering special course/consulting projects.
  • It provides access to Industry experts/ courses / showcase of talents of Students, staff and research scholars.


Co-ordinator :Dr.J.Chitra, ASP /ECE
Co-Coordinator: Mr.C.Senthilkumar, AP /ECE

CDAC – IoT Research Laboratory – Component Details:

CDAC – IoT Research Laboratory – Equipment Details: Name of the Euipment / Kit Quantity Unit Cost (Rs.) Total Cost (Rs.)
1 Ubi Mote 10 3,000.00 30,000.00
2 Wi-Fi Mote 10 9,000.00 90,000.00
3 BLE Mote 10 3,000.00 30,000.00
4 Ubi Sense 10 2,160.00 21,600.00
5 Wingz Multiprotocol Gatway 1 67,500.00 67,500.00
6 Debuggers 1 27,500.00 27,500.00
7 Installation & Other - 40,000.00 40,000.00
Total Cost[Including GST] (Rs.) 3,61,788.00

List of IOT Projects Title of the Project Students Name Supervisor
1 Design of loT basedIndustrial Pollution Monitoring System Ms. Pavithra G
Ms. Suwetha Jenifer G
Mr. Uthayarasan A
Ms. Selva Nayaki K
Dr. K. Muthulakshmi,
Professor / ECE
2 loT based Automatic Vehicle AccidentDeduction and Rescue System Mr. Rajesh B
Ms. Sowmiya R
Ms. Vishalidevi S S
Mr. Pradeesh K
Dr. K. Gayathri Devi,
Professor & HoD /ECE
3 Smart Data Acquisition InWind Turbine Machines Using Labview & loT Ms. Visali D Dr. K. Muthulakshmi,
Professor / ECE
4 Light Weight ECGTelemetry and Spo2 Monitoring with loT Ms. Pretha N Dr. S. Karthikeyan,
Professor / ECE
5 A Remote Integrated Rover forInstant Fire Detection and Toxic FumesMonitoring in Forest Mr. Rajeshkumar.S
Mr. Santhosh P
Ms. Sowndarya B
Ms. Sudha S
Ms. C.S. Manju,
Asst. Professor / ECE
6 loT Based Smart Health CareMonitoring System for War End Soldiers usingConvolutional Neural Networking Mr. Boopathikumar R
Ms. Deepika S
Ms. Monisha G
Ms. Nikitha N
Ms. S. Preethi,
Asst. Professor / ECE
7 loT Based Automated Classroomfor Energy and Power Saving usingRaspberry -PI Mr. Abinash M
Mr. Gangatharan M
Mr. Gokulakannan D
Ms. Nivethaa E
Mr. R. Rajkumar,
Asst. Professor / ECE
8 loT Enabled Real Time HealthMonitoring and Driver Assistance Systemusing Raspberry -PI Mr. Ramesh M
Mr. Sethupathi M
Ms. Shalini A
Ms. Yazhinidevi M
Dr. M. Dhivya,
Asso. Professor / ECE

CDAC – IoT Research Laboratory - Activities Conducted :2019-20 Date Title No. of Beneficiaries
01. 20.06.19, 21.06.19 04.10.19 Training for faculty members on Dr.N.G.P.IT – CDAC IoT RESEARCH LAB KIT 20
02. 29.08.19 & 30.08.19 Two Days Skill Development Hands on Training Programmeon Dr. N.G.P IT - CDAC IoT RESEARCH LAB KIT for ECE Students 20
03. 27.09.19 & 28.09.19 Two Days Skill Development Hands on Training Programmeon Dr. N.G.P IT - CDAC IoT RESEARCHLAB KITfor ECE, EEE CSE & IT Students 16