S No Name of Faculty Project Title Funding Agency Amount
Dr.S.U.Prabha, Dr.M.S.Kamalesh, Dr. C.Kathirvel, Dr.M.Krishnamoorthi, Dr.Franklin John.S A Direct Evidence Physical Survey Approach on Envisioning Sustainable Bharat on Effectiveness & Acceptance of Electric vehicle and Public Charging Station Infrastructure Policies and Regulation ICSSR Rs.20,00,000/-
Dr.M.Sangeetha, Ms.R.Rathiya Metaverse in Digital Health care: New Frontiers and Design Thinking AICTE Rs.1,00,000
Dr.M.Krishnamoorthi, Mr.T.Vijayakumar, Mr.P.Rajasekaran AI and Blockchain: Shaping the Future of Secure Intelligent System DRDO Rs.50,000/-
Dr.M.Krishnamoorthi, Dr.D.Pavithra, Mr.P.Rajasekaran Six days AICTE Sponsored ATAL FDP on “Quantum Machine Learning in Healthcare” ATAL FDP Rs. 3,50,000/-
Ms J.Dharani Design & development of smart wheelchair utilizing Raspberry Pi microcontroller with android application for Paralyzed and Differentially abled people TNSCST-SPS Rs.7500/-
Ms.P.Poovizhi, Harish V, Lakshitha Shree R, Sasitharan T, Sridhar R Blind buyer an IoT glasses for an inclusive shopping experience TNSCST-SPS Rs.5,500/-
Dr.B.Hemalatha Navigating the cyber frontier Practical training in Al security ISTE Rs.7000/-
Dr.B.Hemalatha Integration of Intelligent Vehicle Speed Controller with Automatic Light Control System NGPiTech-Seed Money Rs.51,463/=
Dr.B.Hemalatha An Intelligent Identification of Balancing Of Battery Cell In E-Vehicle & Hybrid E-Vehicle (Hev) Through A Deep Learning Approach” @ IIT, Kerala TNSCST-Young Scientist Fellowship Rs.20,760/-
Ms.A.Kavitha, Mr.T.Rajkumar Green Revolution and Internet of Things: Realizing Smart and Sustainable Agriculture The Institution of Engineers (India), Coimbatore Local Centre Rs.10,000/=
Ms.A.Kavitha, Mr.T.Rajkumar IE Sponsored Seminar on Emerging Technologies on 5G and IOT The Institution of Engineers (India), Coimbatore Local Centre Rs. 10,000/-
Ms.A.Kavitha, Mr.T.Rajkumar ISTE Sponsored Seminar on Future Technologies in IT ISTE Rs. 3,000/-
Dr M. Krishnamoorthi, Ms P Poovizhi CS8082 – Machine Learning Techniques Anna University Rs 30,000/
Dr.M.Krishnamoorthi, Mr.T.Vijayakumar, Mr.P.Rajasekaran Mathematical models in Security, Defence, Cyber security & cyber- Defence Defence Research & Development Organisation Rs 30,000/
Dr.N.A.Vasanthi Mr.D.Prem Kumar Faculty Development Programme on “Android Application” ISTE Rs.5,000/-
Dr.N.A.Vasanthi Mr.D.Prem Kumar Faculty Development Programme on “Grid and Cloud Computing” ISTE Rs.5,000/-
Dr.S.Santhi Medical Imaging and Informatics in Oncology ICMR Rs.40,000/-
Dr.N.A.Vasanthi Mr.D.Prem Kumar Faculty Development Programme on “Grid and Cloud Computing” ISTE Rs.5,000/-
Website Design Vishnu Infrastructures Rs.9,500/-
One Day Extension Activity on "CSI Golden Tech Bridge Programme For School Childrens" Computer Society of India Rs. 5,000/-
Dr.N.A.Vasanthi 7 days Faculty Development Programme on "Service Oriented Architecture" Anna University, Chennai Rs.19,818/-
Ms.M.Archana, Online Orphanage Connecting System Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology(TNSCST), Government of Tamilnadu,Chennai Rs.7,500/-
Dr.S.Santhi Smart Health Monitoring Syste KMCRET Rs. 32,875/-
Dr.S.Santhi Telemedicine for Disaster Recovery Management KMCRET Rs. 15,500/-
Dr.S.Santhi National Workshop on Windows Phone Computer Society of India Rs. 5,000/-
Dr.V.Vani 5 days Faculty development Programme on "C# and .Net Framework" Anna University of Technology,Coiumbatore Rs. 50,000/-